Saturday, September 24, 2011

First Full Day of Fall

Today is the first full day of the Fall season and for some it is too soon, for others it couldn't have come quick enough.  For some it welcomes thoughts of crisp air and colors galore; for others it brings the sad realization that summer is almost over and the cold is soon to come.  For a select region it means it is is the peak of hurricane season.

That brings us to the first topic;  hurricane season is at its peak.  We are in the waining days of the peak month for hurricanes and it couldn't be more active.  There are two storms aw well as two more areas of interest but none of them appear to be a major threat.  Tropical Invest 91 is gaining the most attention due to its proximity to land but it is believed nothing will become of it.  This system is projected to make landfall and it is most likely going to be just south of the North Carolina/South Carolina border or about the 33rd parallel.  The storm will bring some rains and winds at about 30 mph, this storm is not going to be a threat to and structures but it might down some small trees.  For the rest of the tropics there is no threat to and land as they will all take the path into the proverbial "Hurricane Graveyard" in the Norther North Atlantic.

Around the contiguous United States severe weather is not expect but can not be ruled out.  Out West, due to the lack of rainfall and dry environment there is a current red flag warning.  Please keep your camp fires under control and watch those wandering cigarette butts.  Moving east the greatest threat to the Mid-West is  in the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Missouri where there and some flood advisories floating around (no pun intended).  For the East coast there will be, for the first time in a while,  sunshine.  Now that the neutral front passed through there will be pleasant weather for a couple days with your periodic shower pending on your exact location.

Weather Mike

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