Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Monster Storm Hits Alaska; Other Severe Weather

Alaska's Severe Storm -
Our last frontier, Alaska, is being pummeled by a powerful storm with winds reaching 80 mph sustained.  Residents of Nome as well as other villages in the area are being urged to take higher ground.  Gusts from this Bering Sea fueled storm have the potential to reach in excess of 100 mph with blinding snow.  The greatest threat though will be to the coastal villages with storm surge reaching up to 8ft.  Many areas, even those with sea walls, are under a threat of floods and damages cause by storm surge debris.  The storm surge threat will not wayne until late Wednesday.

Tropic Watch -
Tropical Storm Sean is churning away in the Atlantic with winds gusting up to 70 mph and taking a NW track at 3 mph.  The only threat this storm has on the United States is an increased chance of rip currents along the Southeast coastline.  Besides that, the storm is predicted to make a turn to the west and take a WNW track just above Bermuda and fizzle out from there on.  No other tropical activity is being reported at this time.

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let is Snow -
If it doesn't feel like its getting to that time of the year where the decorations come down from the attic, just take a trip up to the Great Lakes.  The region is expected to pick up a few inches of snow over the next few days.  The greatest threat comes today in northers Wisconsin where over 5" are expected to fall in that area.

That sums it up for whats making news today,
Weather Mike

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