Monday, October 24, 2011

Hurricane Rina

As Hurricane Season wanes down this time of year it is not uncommon to see a storm or two form in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the Caribbean.  We now have Hurricane Rina out there as a weak category one with winds reaching 75 mph and gusts up to 90. This is a slow moving storm, traveling WNW at 3 mph is expect to start to make a turn to the east.  This is where the tracking becomes difficult as a pressure system moves through.  What is known is the North Gulf will most likely be sparred from  this storm.  Where this storm will land is still up in the air; what is known, with fair certainty, is that it will either hit Southwest Florida or make a full loop and hit Central America.  My personal feelings on this storm is it will reach a maximum of a Category 3 storm as it nears the Yucatán Peninsula but as it turns east the storm will weaken considerably to a Category 1.  As it reaches the West Cuban coast it will start to preform a turn south then then to the right as it will head west into an area estimated between Northern Honduras up to Southern Mexico.

Weather Mike

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